Call for Papers (Vol. 1, 2023)

The Portuguese Yearbook of the Law of the Sea invites submissions of long and short articles for consideration in Volume 1 (2023).

Manuscripts should be an original, unpublished work, not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The Yearbook uses UK English spelling and grammar.

Long articles should not exceed 12,000 words, excluding footnotes. Short articles should be less than 6,000 words. Footnotes should not be excessive.

All submissions must conform with the House Style of the Yearbook and will be subject to a double-blind peer review process.

Submissions must include a brief abstract (100-150 words), keywords (3-5), a statement of academic or professional affiliation, and confirmation of exclusive submission. Submissions should be sent via e-mail to:

Manuscripts must be submitted before 31 March, 2023. The Editors will communicate their decision on publication as quickly as possible after having received each submission. Early submissions are welcome.

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